Customer Service Management |
Business Management |
 | Coaching (M024) - 1 lesson |
| Who wants a staff of mediocre, under-performing employees who hate their jobs? Obviously, no one. What about a staff of enthusiastic employees who love their jobs, are clearly focused on their tasks and consistently meet and exceed their goals all while bringing their company greater and greater success? Of course we all want that. How do you get there? With coaching. There’s a reason why it’s the business buzzword of the 21st century. It gets results. It works. |
 | Creating a Motivating Environment (M042) - 1 lesson |
| Everybody is motivated by something. This is key to understanding employee motivation. But, while you can be sure your employees are motivated by something, they may not be motivated to do what you want them to do, when you want it done. When you think of a motivator at work, one thing often comes to mind—more money. But you may be surprised to learn pay is not the number one reason why people feel motivated to work. In this course, participants will learn we can create the kind of working environment that naturally encourages employees to be motivated to work harder, be creative, reach goals and think outside the box. |
 | Disciplining & Terminating Employees (M022) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will be able to manage the performance of sub-standard employees through effective discipline procedures. Participants will learn the legal documentation required and proper way to handle termination of employees. |
 | Empowerment (M026) - 1 lesson |
| The fully engaged and empowered workforce; every manager wants one, but few have made the transition to actually achieving one. Participants will learn key empowerment strategies and practical and tested techniques for assessing organizational empowerment factors. Owners, managers and supervisors will learn how to identify the best opportunities for starting the transformation towards achieving an empowered and engaged workforce. |
 | Handling Difficult People (M046) - 1 lesson |
| Difficult people are all around us. The old saying, “it takes all kinds…” certainly rings true for anyone who has had to work for an irritating boss, manage a difficult employee, handle a tough customer or work with an annoying co-worker. When difficult people drag their heels, argue for the sake of arguing, or create resentment and anxiety in the workplace, they lower efficiency and productivity for the whole. Sometimes, we have no choice but to interact with these individuals. types. However, we do have a choice when it comes to how we respond to them. In this course, participants will learn simple and effective techniques for dealing with difficult people. Getting difficult people on board with working toward (and not against) business goals, will not only improve workplace morale, but it will also help to boost the bottom line. |
 | Hiring Excellent Employees (M040) - 2 lessons |
| Hasty hiring practices cost businesses time and money. No one sets out to hire unqualified, unreliable or unmotivated employees. That certainly doesn’t appear on job descriptions. However, a rushed interview process and quick job offer with little pre-planning, assessment or follow-up can lead to unknowingly hiring the worst person for the job. This two module course will give participants the tools to always hire the best qualified candidate, from writing the job description to making the offer, to the orientation and all of the important steps in between. |
 | Human Resources Management (M010) - 2 lessons |
| Participants will have a better understanding of the relationship between profitability and effective human resource management |
 | Integrating & Motivating Employees (M021) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will learn how to effectively orient new employees to the routine and initiate standard operating procedures and quality measures utilized by the organization. Participants will learn the techniques and processes that will help them set performance goals appropriate to the individual, motivate employees to meet and exceed those performance standards and develop a pattern of communication that helps employees to focus on organizational needs. The course will also teach how to create meaningful careers paths for employees through the effective use of training and development opportunities and prepare them to take on additional responsibilities. |
 | Managing Employees Strategically (M023) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will understand the need to utilize and manage employees more effectively in today’s business climate. Participants will have the tools needed to begin creating a workforce that can meet the strategic goals of their organization. |
 | Managing the Generations (M013) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will understand the different generations present in their workplace and adjust their management or selling style to better suit each generation’s varying needs. |
 | New Employee Orientation (M012) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will understand what to do when a new employee starts so as to minimize integration time maximize performance and facilitate team integration |
 | Recruiting & Selecting Employees (M020) - 1 lesson |
| Do you find it hard to get good employees? More than ever before, today’s organizations need good people. Find out how to utilize an easy and proven process to recruit and select good employees. This course will teach you how you determine the skills you need, advertise it effectively, conduct effective interviews, and select the best candidate using sound criteria. Find out how to make a confusing process easy and effective. |
 | Retaining Excellent Employees (M041) - 1 lesson |
| Now that you’ve hired them, how do you keep them?
Going through the effort of hiring only the best employees does not amount to much if you can’t keep them on staff. In this course about employee retention, participants will learn how to create a work environment that ensures the best workers want to stay. Participants will learn how to implement strategies and set goals aimed at retaining their best workers. |
 | Teamwork (M044) - 1 lesson |
| This course will describe what team work is, and how it relates to the automotive service business. This course will show when working in team is ideal, and when it would be more efficient to have each staff member go about doing their own job. In essence this course is not just about teamwork, it’s about knowing when teamwork should be utilized and when it shouldn’t be. |
 | Time Management (M060) - 1 lesson |
| We can’t make ‘more time’ – but we can do more with the time we have. The Shop Time Management course will provide practical strategies for leveraging an individual’s time and advancing the shop’s ‘time-based’ resources to improve overall shop efficiencies and customer satisfaction. A look at some time-honoured strategies that help individual employees leverage their available time more effectively and more happily. This course will also cover what the leadership team can do to constantly improve the efficiency of the shop systems and the working environment? |
 | Training - The Road to Success (M065) - 1 lesson |
| This course has been developed for the organization that wants to successfully respond to workplace challenges, seize new opportunities, increase customer satisfaction and retain great employees.
Whether you’re looking to attract and retain high performance employees, achieve a higher level of job satisfaction, increase productivity, improve customer service or remain competitive in a global marketplace, the benefits of ongoing training can be measured by the success of an organization on many levels. |
 | Working in a Family Business (M030) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will be capable of creating a professional business-like atmosphere when working with family members. Learners will be able to end role confusion, communicate positively and build an organizational infrastructure that ends family feuding, creates effective succession plans and optimizes the knowledge of skills of all family members. |
 | Writing a Business Plan (M050) - 1 lesson |
| Upon successful completion of this segment, participants will be capable of gathering the necessary information to create a business plan that has all the necessary elements. Learners will be able to contribute significantly to the writing of a business plan that will assist their organization when seeking material and/or financial support from external sources for business operations or expansion. |